I've been working on cleaning my room now for a while, so I decided to take a break and post a new entry. It's been a week or so since my last update. A lot has went on...where to start, where to start.
No dancing again Thursday, I had to set up my work for my Major Acceptance Review. It was 12:15am and Alex and I were still at school setting all my stuff up.
Friday was the big day. My review. I arrived at school at around 8:45 and already my nerves were flowing. The lady Nancy, with whom I shared my review space with, was already there, and I helped her to set out the bagels and strawberries that we bought to butter up our review panel. Nancy had her turn at 9:45 and I was next. I stood in the hall and was so worked up that I couldn't even swallow. I've never been that nervous or worked up in my life, but as soon as I walked in the door it was all gravy. I began talking and just never shut up. I talked a lot about my work and they asked me a lot of questions. Each student had 15 minutes to "wow" the panel and for the last 3 minutes of mine, we were talking about drag racing volkswagens, and how I needed to get everyone a race schedule. So, needless to say I left there feeling pretty good. I had to wait until Monday to get my results.
And the results are in........
Thank God.
This weekend was nothing too fancy. I had petting zoos on Saturday, and Sunday, Tricia and I had to dress up like the easter bunny for a country club in Eureka. It was funny as hell. Tricia and I took turns in the suit, and we were playing air guitar and following people around. It was good. Sunday night the Nickel came over and we sat in the hot tub for a while. Good times, good conversation.
Tomorrow we start racing. We sent out sponsorship information earlier this week, so keep your fingers crossed that we get some takers. All the cars are fueled and ready to go. The gates open at 5 and we plan to be in line. It's just a test and tune, but points start Friday, so we want to at least see how the cars will run. I'm so excited.
The bus is back in order, daddy bought a new carberator for it and we were taking it around the block yesterday. I like it better now then before. The gas pedal just needs some adjusting. I have too much play in it and it messes me up while I'm trying to drive. All in good time I guess.
That's all for now, school is keeping me pretty busy. I start work at Weithop's on Friday, so maybe I'll have some spending cash finally. (yeah right)
Take care,
You know you love me,
I have to apoligize to everyone that had to come in contact with me this past week/end. It was a bad week for me and I am sorry to anyone and everyone who I was crabby to. This week proves to be a better one, so just hang in there.
Also, a GREAT BIG HUGE thank you to Aunt Patty. She just bought a real cool new digital camera, and I have been monopolizing it for a while now. She's been really patient, and hasn't yelled at me yet. Thank you thank you thank you. It's been a real big help.