Once upon a time in my brain...
Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a beautiful blonde named um...... Gwendolyn. Yeah Gwendolyn. So anyways, Gwendolyn was always seen out in the fields taking beautiful photographs of her golden retriever, who had yet to be named because she just couldn't figure out the perfect name. She would often been seen leaving the palace and heading across town to an undisclosed location. When asked where she was going, she would always respond with "Out." Where she was really going was to meet a prince named Napoleon. See, Napoleon was a handsome fella with superior qualities much above the rest of the kingdom, but he had his downfalls also. While there, Gwendolyn was treated as a princess, which she really enjoyed, but as soon as she left the prince's castle, she was shut out. Gwendolyn just couldn't understand this erratic behavior that the prince was displaying. How could they have such a great time at his castle, but rarely speak outside of those grounds? Gwendolyn was beside herself and concerned with the decision that was placed before her. Does she shut out the price completely and then not even enjoy the few days that they do prosper together, or does she just continue on the ride of confusion that she's been on for the past two months? See, she really likes Napoleon and values their time together, but it just seems that he doesn't feel the same way. She just can't see shutting him out all together because she values their friendship. Although they don't speak too much while they're not together, Gwendolyn knows that if she ever needs anything, or someone to talk to hopefully Napoleon will be there. She's tried to speak to Napoleon about this subject, but he just lets it roll off his shoulder. So, Gwendolyn is faced with a decision she doesn't really want to make, but she doesn't enjoy the way things are going at the current time.
Stay tuned for the next chapter in this story...
If you have any ideas for Gwendolyn please let the author know, and they will be taken into consideration.
Take Care,
You know you love me,
Stay tuned for the next chapter in this story...
If you have any ideas for Gwendolyn please let the author know, and they will be taken into consideration.
Take Care,
You know you love me,
At February 08, 2005 6:02 PM,
Unknown said…
I'm sure Napolean is a great guy who doesnt want to hurt Gwendolyn and just may not know what he wants for himself right now and would think it'd be bad for both kingdoms to decide and has just been going with the flow. I'm quite sure you should add to the story no other princesses have been visiting his kingdom. But I'm sure this story isn't over so I'll just have to check back and read what happens!
And By the way, Gwendolyn shouldn't punt the loser, yet LOL. Hey anonymous post you name :)
At February 08, 2005 7:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Poor Gwendolyn! Someone so beautiful and smart should be treasured and loved by any lucky prince she chooses to spend time with. If you look closely, G, the answer is in the first chapter of the story:"she really likes Napoleon... but it just seems that he doesn't feel the same way.", and, "they don't speak too much while they're not together,". Seems Gwendolyn is nothing more than a convenient friend for Nic-polean. Very little work on his part = big reward. It doesn't sound like he's shown her any reason to think any different. Nic-polean is a frog in disguise! Have the slaves dust off the catapult. Damn tough being a 21st Century princess.
At February 08, 2005 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Gotta agree with anon. N doesn't have to work to keep G, so he'll never appreciate the person she is. No matter how long G stays with him, she'll not be happy. If N doesn't know what he wants, he shouldn't be playing the game. Pull in the drawbridge and warm up the oil, let's get midieval.
At February 08, 2005 9:49 PM,
lildojh said…
I appreciate the response..the next chapter will be revealed early next week...stay tuned!!
Gwendolyn is indeed in a pickle, but she's also a very smart girl. Some readers may see her as "not the brightest crayon in the box," for dealing with Napoleon, but sometimes, you have to do what your heart says, not what your head says. And Gwendolyn quotes, "I'd rather have Napoleon as a friend, than nothing at all!"
At February 09, 2005 1:51 AM,
Unknown said…
Napoleon may be a frog, but not because he doesn't care about Gwendolyn! He cares about her a lot! Might sound strange but it's true. Call Napoleon whatever you may like but when you don't know what to do anymore sometimes for Napoleon its better just to sit back and not do anything and let it take it's coarse. For each of their kingdoms have been with many shortcomings it may be easier to just enjoy the surroundings and not worry. Napoleon cares so much about Gwendolyn he doesn't want to rush something and both of them get hurt! Napoleon enjoys the time they spend together and wishes he had more time to devote but his kingdom takes precidence sometimes while that maybe selfish if he didn't there'd be no Napoleon as she knows it!
At February 09, 2005 1:52 AM,
Unknown said…
Napoleon Does care about Gwendolyn alot!
At February 09, 2005 6:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
N sounds a bit defensive. Guilty conscience?
At February 09, 2005 11:09 AM,
Unknown said…
Just being honest with you all since you all think I'm a frog...
At February 09, 2005 12:00 PM,
lildojh said…
Nicolas, noone thinks that you are a frog...Napoleon is the frog remember? This story is about Gwendolyn and Napoleon. Remember that!
At February 10, 2005 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think n might just be a jerk. He does not want to talk to G outside of the grounds. Gwen must just be an easy target to get what he wants. Get rid of the self centered prince. I Bet if G looked around there are many more princes to be found.
At February 10, 2005 3:46 PM,
lildojh said…
Indeed. Gwendolyn has seen many other princes around the area, but something is special about Napoleon. She can't quite put her finger on it, but she knows she can't just walk away from this one. Napoleon doesn't completely ignore her during their off time, but it's not the same type of conversation that they engage in during their time together. Only time will tell what is to come of this fairy tale!
At February 11, 2005 6:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
So many comments. Maybe it's time to take stock. Is anyone other than N and D sticking up for the Napolean or Gwen relationship. No.
Let's go for +/- for N in relationship to G. He has a job and seems to have ambition (+1). He kinda looks like peewee herman (-1, if he can do the big shoe dance +1). He's not like the other guys you've dated (+1). He left for a girl that wouldn't give him the time of day (-1) Right before christmas (-20) Wanted to remain friends because you're a 'cool' person. (lame, but +1). Came back when said girl wanted to be friends (-10). G/D is willing to put up with it +/- ratio (0)
So we now know the points don't matter. If G/D doesn't want to be alone and this fits the bill for now, why not? It's hard to manage a great academic standing and date at the same time. He doesn't take much attention, he's convenient. Until N 'falls in love' again and G/D doesn't put up with it or G/D finds a different beau with job/ambition that floats her boat. I don't think this story will have a suitable ending.
At February 11, 2005 12:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have the same trouble with a prince. He only talks to me when he wants something and then when he gets it he won't talk to me until the time arises again. I have the same trouble I can not close my drawbidge to him for some reason. I have some weird draw to him that I can not get rid of. I think instead of princes maybe we should set out and look for the good hearted peasants who will love us no matter what. But giving up the prince is the hardest thing to do. Sometimes you have to be strong and give up something that seems right in a fog but when you try to look at it logicaly or clearly it seems so stupid especially to others who arent blinded.
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