Workin' for a nickel...
There comes a time in one's life when they have to stand back and look at their life situation though new eyes. There is also a time when it's okay to be selfish, and think about one's own self, especially when others are often thought of first. Situations may not always conclude like one may like them to, but sometimes, that's for the best. Do what makes you happy. I'm not sure what's to come of my situations, only time will tell that, but I'm sure of one thing, I'll do what makes me happy, and what I can benefit from, both mentally and physically.
Take Care,
You know you love me,
You know I love you,
Take Care,
You know you love me,
You know I love you,
At November 02, 2005 5:20 PM,
STEVE said…
Is there a point here? Im sorry, but I dont understand the point? Can you give more info? Workin for a Nickel? Is this a statement? or what? Just wondering????
At November 02, 2005 7:02 PM,
lildojh said…
The point is do what makes you happy and what you can benefit from both mentally and physically.
At November 02, 2005 7:51 PM,
STEVE said…
I understand that part, but what does (working for a nickel) have to do with that???
At November 03, 2005 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hopefully, not reading too much into this. We know who nickel is. We know you're going to do what makes you happy, so at present you could be happier. If the title and the dialog are put together... one could draw a conclusion. Or is something drawing to a conclusion?
At November 03, 2005 5:25 PM,
lildojh said…
Nothing is drawing to a conclusion, yet. Things are getting resolved as we speak...
At November 03, 2005 8:14 PM,
STEVE said…
I knew all along what this post meant and what working for a nickel means. I just wanted to hear it in plain english instead of (hinting words) Nothing against you darla, but I say it how it is, Im not a man that like's to write or read hinting messages. I hope you understand Im not against you, Im just against Hinting what I want to say. Ha ha!! And about my post on my blog, I guess you can say that it does have a small part of another one's blog. I just write what is on my mind and hope it makes some sence....sometimes it doesnt, but most of the time it HITS THE SPOT. HOPE ..THAT IS WHY I CALL THIS TRUE LIFE.........HAVE A GOOD ONE....
At November 03, 2005 9:49 PM,
lildojh said…
The title is the only thing with hinting words..the rest of the post just has to do with life in general...If you get to know me better you'll find out too that I also say what is on my mind with no regards to who hears it and what they might think. But I think sometimes, like in art things become such a quick read when they are so literal. I'll relate this to my art, you never want to create something that the viewer just looks at for a few seconds, understands whats going on and then moves on to the next piece. It's what we call a quick read. You want to create something that will capture the viewer and hold them there for a while. By making the title of my blog what it is, you the viewer can take it for what it is or sit and think for a minute what other meanings it may have.
You say you don't like to write or read hinting words, but you made the choice to read it, and after you read the title ("hinting words"), you continued to read on. I'm sorry if you didn't like this post, but it's mine, and I like it.
Take Care,
Hope I didn't make you too mad.
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